Monday, October 25, 2010

Not-so-Fun Facts about Crack and Cocaine

Crack and cocaine are the same drug in different forms!
Cocaine is sometimes considered “rich people’s crack.”
Crack is made from cocaine powder, baking soda and/or ammonia.

When you smoke crack, the chemicals reach your brain in 10 to 15 seconds. When you snort cocaine, it takes 10 to 15 minutes to feel the effects.
The risk of addiction is about 5% for those who had used cocaine for the first time in the past two years. For those who used the drug 10 years, addiction risk increased to 15 – 16%.
The effects of crack are more intense than cocaine. The high usually lasts for 10 to 30 minutes.

CRACK cocaine is the rock form of cocaine. Crack can be formed with the same process as cocaine without the use of ether. Without the removal of the freebase precipitate and ammonia, crack cocaine is formed as opposed to freebase powder cocaine. Crack can also be formed from power cocaine with this process:

1. Materials Required: Cocaine powder, teaspoon, measuring cup, pan, baking soda.
2. Pour about an ounce of cocaine in the measuring cup.
3. Add about a teaspoon of baking soda.
4. Fill with about 3/4 cup of water.
5. Pour the mixture into the pan.
6. The mixture will start to bubble. Get a knife and flatten the bubbles.
7. Continue to flatten the mixture while cooking it.
8. Continue to flatten the mixture while cooking it.
9. Cook it until it is solid white.
10. Continue to cook it until it is solid white.
11. Place the solid form of cocaine on a towel or napkin to drain.
12. Place rocks in freezer for 15-20 minutes.
13. Place rocks in freezer for 15-20 minutes.
14. Congratulations you have successfully made crack cocaine.

CRACK cocaine is the most addictive form of cocaine and it is mysterious enough so that we do not know exactly how much it takes for it to kill someone. But often times people do die from crack.
The only form crack comes in is the rock form. But cocaine comes in the powder form and the rock form (crack).Crack cocaine is ingested simply but putting it in your mouth and swallowing it or it is smoked and inhaled as smoke. It numbs your tongue where it comes into contact with your tongue.

AND NOW, the effects:
Short Term:
¨Increased energy
¨Reduced fatigue
¨Mental alertness
¨Headaches, nausea, and abdominal pain
¨Constricted blood vessels
¨Dilated pupils
¨Decrease in appetite
¨Feeling of euphoria

Long Term:
¨Permanent Nose Damage
¨Heart attack

Societal Effects:
¨It impacts all kinds of people… rich, poor, young, and old.
¨Mothers who smoke crack while pregnant increase the chance that their baby will be addicted to crack (when they are born and later on).
¨Usually a larger number of users in the cities than in rural areas.

¨Crack sentencing is usually 10 years for crack dealers.
¨While most of the US’s crack users are white the majority of the people sentenced are black and Hispanic.
¨The sentence for a first time offender the sentence for the possession of crack is about one year.

Street Names:

¨Coke, Dust, Toot, Line, Nose Candy, Snow. Sneeze, Powder, Girl, White Pony, Flake, C, The Lady, Cain, Neurocain, Rock, Crack, Badrock, 24-7, Beat , Candy, Chemical, Cloud Cookies, Crumbs , Crunch & munch, Devil drug, Dice, Electric kool-aid and:
Fat bags French fries
Glo Gravel
Grit Hail Hard ball
Hard rock Hotcakes
Ice cube Jelly beans
Nuggets Paste
Piece Prime time Product
Raw Rock(s)
Scrabble Sleet
Snow coke Tornado




¨What’s up with Cocaine and Crack?
¨U.S. Department of Justice

¨ cocaine: Effects and Addictive Nature —

¨Cocaine Addiction

¨Drug Independence
¨Street Names for Crack and Cocaine